Our People

As the colleagues who make up world's most global bank, we understand how vital it is to deliver a wide range of ideas and solutions to our clients; it's what enables their growth and progress. We are focused on continually refining how we embed diversity into our recruiting efforts globally.
Our campus recruiting team has deployed a comprehensive digital dashboard and is testing and validating predictive talent models, in order to more effectively — and more rapidly — identify and recruit the right people. We also have many programs aimed at hiring diverse campus talent.
We are also focused on our hiring practices to ensure that diversity is embraced throughout the process. For managing director and director level hires, we continue to leverage diverse slates, ensuring that women globally and/or racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. are interviewed for our open roles. In 2016, 71 percent of interview slates for managing director and director roles included at least one diverse candidate. Also, we launched diverse interview panels in 2016 to ensure the diversity of our interviewers who represent Citi. In our inaugural year, 74 percent of managing director level hires were interviewed by a panel with at least one diverse panel member. These practices are important levers for us to ultimately achieve our goal of increasing representation of women and U.S. minorities.
Unconscious Bias Training
A critical aspect to building the right culture is addressing unconscious bias in the workplace, which is an area where we continue to invest and focus. We developed and launched a training that enables participants to understand the business case for an inclusive work environment, recognize unconscious bias and take actions to improve on-the-job decision making to support Citi's culture of leaderships, ethics and inclusion.
Flexible Work
Citi proudly embraces a culture of flexible work. We strongly believe that providing flexibility in how, when and where our employees work allows all of us to realize personal and business objectives while continuing to have meaningful work and career opportunities.
Employee Networks
Citi Employee Networks are our internal employee resource groups initiated and led by employees. They are aligned to our 10 Affinities and offer professional development, mentoring, networking and community engagement opportunities to members and colleagues. Consistent with our inclusive culture, all Employee Network chapters are open to all Citi employees, whether or not they identify with a particular community. Our Employee Network Program now has 150+ chapters in 65+ locations across 38 countries, with 16,000 members.