Sarah Cain
KPMG Enterprise (Audit) Senior Manager

Being motivated to succeed can also mean helping those in your community find success.
This is a significant factor for Sarah, who said “I’m passionate about giving back to the community and have become involved in supporting various charities and particularly indigenous organisations in the last few years in my role at KPMG.”
Growing up in Melbourne and studying a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne may have ultimately led Sarah to KPMG, but her desire to travel the world helped shape her passion for community, where, as Sarah says she is now actively linking community and charitable events with my work and colleagues.
"For KPMG Sydney’s Corporate Citizenship Committee I assist in organising and coordinating events, but primarily getting others in the office excited and motivated about taking part and giving back to the community. For one client event this even resulted in participating in Strut the Streets through Martin Place in Sydney wearing a bikini and kaftan!”
Of course beyond community and charity, having a successful career is also important. And for Sarah, accountancy proved to be a great stepping stone, “I had a fantastic accounting teacher in high school, who made accounting fun (believe it or not!). So perhaps I should credit him with putting me on the accounting path!”
Now a regular day for Sarah “is primarily focused on financial statement audit services to a range of clients in the middle market – everything from listed entities to small not-for-profit clients.”
Where each day gives Sarah and KPMG the chance to make a real and lasting difference to our clients, taking their businesses beyond today’s concerns to ensure they are stronger and better able to tackle tomorrow’s challenges.