About Us

NSW Telco Authority (the Authority) is a Statutory Authority within the NSW Department of Customer Service, controlled by the Managing Director in accordance with policies advised by the NSW Telco Authority Advisory Board. It was established under the Government Telecommunications Act 1991 (NSW).
The Authority leads sector-wide reform and delivery of government operational communications to enable stakeholders to better respond to the NSW community.
In this role, the Authority identifies, develops, delivers and procures operational communications services to meet the needs of its customers, in partnership with government agencies and industry. At the core of the Authority’s service delivery is meeting the day-to-day and mission critical operational communications needs of government agencies and essential services. This includes managing the NSW Government Radio Network (GRN), which provides radio communications for Emergency Services Organisations (ESOs) and other government agencies.
Through its Critical Communications Enhancement Program (CCEP), the Authority is working in collaboration with stakeholders and industry to deliver an enhanced GRN.
The Authority has responsibility for managing all spectrum assets for NSW Government agencies, advocating at state and national level to meet spectrum needs, including the increasing requirement for data in the field. Support for telecommunications in emergencies is coordinated by the Authority’s Telecommunications Services Functional Area (TELCOFAC).
The Authority has an Advisory Board comprised of a full-time Managing Director and several part-time members. The Authority reports to the Minister for Customer Service on routine matters and the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management on specific matters.