About RPV

Our role
Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) is responsible for all aspects of the projects including planning and development of a project reference design, site investigations, stakeholder engagement, planning approvals and procurement, through to construction delivery and project commissioning.
RPV has assembled a skilled team of highly experienced professionals from across the public and private sectors to ensure the objectives of its projects are achieved for the Victorian community.
Delivering projects of this scale and complexity requires a blend of public sector and private sector experience and RPV is utilising both employees and contractors, with support from external expert advisors.
RPV is committed to growing our team to meet the evolving challenges and demands of these major infrastructure projects.
Major Transport Infrastructure Authority
The Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) was established on 1 January 2019 to oversee the major transport projects in planning and construction and is comprised of the following project groups:
- Level Crossing Removal Project
- Major Road Projects Victoria (Suburban Roads Upgrade and other projects across Victoria)
- North East Link Project
- Rail Projects Victoria (Metro Tunnel Project, Regional Rail Revival, Melbourne Airport Rail)
- West Gate Tunnel Project
MTIA is led by the Director-General, Corey Hannett and is supported by a team with expertise in planning and delivering major transport projects in the fields of safety, resource planning, legal, commercial, community engagement, policy and finance.
MTIA works closely with the Department of Transport to ensure major construction activities and disruptions are coordinated across the network. This includes plans to keep people moving through major work periods, while also working with industry to ensure it has the skilled workers needed to deliver Victoria’s massive construction program.
Visit Victoria's Big Build website to learn more about these other projects.