Equality in STEM

At TPG Telecom, we want to foster an inclusive workplace that maximises the participation of women in the workplace, while supporting them to develop and progress into leadership roles. Our focus to date has been on combatting inequality by reducing the gender pay gap and supporting parents at work through several initiatives, including Super Bump, pay equity reviews, and family & domestic violence leave.
Since 2017, TPG Telecom has offered a Super Bump program for female employees as a practical step towards more financial independence. This provides two extra payments of $250 per year for female employees who have been with the company for more than 12 months. This benefit has now been extended across our TPG Telecom workforce in Australia.
We also have an employee network dedicated to furthering gender equality in STEM named STEMPower. Its aim is to influence girls and women to consider a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to build a future talent pipeline, while also enabling women at TPG Telecom to grow and succeed.
We recently celebrated the achievements of those
participating in our STEM AccelerateHER Sponsorship program. The Sponsorship
program, with the help of our friends at Inkling Group,
draws on best-practice psychology and behavioural science to fast-track growth
and development and create a more inclusive and high-performing culture.
Throughout the program, our sponsors - consisting of senior leaders at TPG
Telecom - focused on building inclusive leadership and sponsorship skills,
while our sponsors obtained experience, exposure and education to help them
take the next step in their careers.
We are proud of our STEM AccelerateHER program, which provides valuable
learnings and opportunities for our Women in STEM.