Project Coordinator, Ventia’s Project and Workplace Solutions team

Signing with the Townsville Fire back in 2020, Courtney Woods is in her fifth year playing in the Women’s National Basketball League (WNBL) and is one of the club captains for the 2024/25 Season.
And yet, not content with playing in two professional basketball leagues, Courtney also works part time for Ventia as a Project Coordinator. As dedicated to the sport as she is, Courtney realised early on that her sporting career would not last forever.
“I think my body will give out before my will to play does, but I need to consider what’s best for me at that time,” she says. “Women also have to factor in when they want to have kids, as that can impact your career.”
A role that had flexibility both in the hours worked and the location was key to Courtney being able to balance her sporting life with the corporate world. The role in Ventia’s Project and Workplace Solutions team ticked both those boxes. As a Project Coordinator, Courtney is responsible for document control, forecasting, and generally just making sure the projects run smoothly.
“I love the Project and Workplace Solutions team,” Courtney says. “They get really excited about everything and I love the enthusiasm. They’ve been so welcoming and they’re a very supportive team.”