Laboratory Technician

What do you enjoy most about your role?
I enjoy the flexible working hours; diversity in the day to day work tasks; open, understanding and flexible relationship with the other team members and supervisors and the opportunity to meet and work with other people and teams on site.
How would you describe the culture in your team?
My team is very open, understanding, helpful and easy to approach, ready at any time to go the extra mile to accommodate our customers.
Why do you believe your role is important to WesCEF?
As a business support function, we are involved in developing products, follow manufacturing guidelines which helps in early detection of plants malfunctioning or product varieties, and testing the final product for customer satisfaction.
What makes WesCEF different to the other companies you have worked with?
I started at CSBP through TAFE for a three months’ work experience, which turned out to be my career! CSBP employed me as a trainee after I finished my work experience. While I was earning money I was getting the skills I needed to finish TAFE and get a full time job. CSBP and WesCEF has always supported me when I wanted to progress and learn new things.
How important is teamwork to the success of your area?
Team work is very important. I believe that 95 per cent of day to day jobs if not directly then indirectly involve other team members.
What is it about your role and WesCEF that keeps you here?
The company is very people orientated which helps to take the stress off having to juggle family and work. The company is extremely flexible and supportive of career progression and very focused on employees’ safety.