Linda Assaf

  Sydney, NSW       Online Consultations

Think of me as a confidence-meets-career Coach. I am passionate about unleashing the confidence within you; to supercharge your career success.

I bring 17+ years' work experience predominantly across HR; Talent Acquisition & Strategy, Learning & Leadership Development and Sales/Customer Success.

I have worked with 2 of the Big 4 Professional Services Firms; I've led and coached high performing teams and want to share my insights, skills, and experience with you.

Whether you're transitioning-careers, on the job-hunt, or wondering what to do next; I provide the pragmatic advice and coaching support to help get you to where you really want to be.

  • I listen to understand and work with you to develop a confident mindset
  • I help you focus on your strengths and uncover your Unique Selling Point (USP) to make sure you stand out in the market!
  • I will coach you through interview processes, provide hands-on support and help craft your CV, LinkedIn Profile, and job applications
  • I will help you seamlessly transition careers and leverage those transferable skills

I am passionate about helping you see your own greatness and facilitating the shift you need to truly thrive!


The University of Sydney , Bachelor of Arts , English Lit./Performance Studies
NeuroLeadership Institute , Brain-Based Coaching Certification , Brain-Based Coaching


Career Coaching, Career Transition, Interview Coaching, Personal Branding/Social, and Work Life Balance

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$    Less than $199/hr
$$   $200 - $299/hr
$$$ More than $300/hr

All coaches offer a free 30 minute chemistry session.